A new video from the “ZMT CMMS Guide” series has appeared on our YouTube channel. In this video we present the CMMS system – a solution dedicated to the maintenance department. Get to know the key functionalities that will allow you to: optimize the management of the UR department, control costs, monitor the condition of […]
Another video from the “ZMT CMMS Guide” series has appeared on our YouTube channel. In this material, we present our e-Mobile application and talk about its capabilities. Get to know the solution that will allow you to optimize your daily work! We invite you to watch.
We invite you to check out our YouTube channel, where we expand our knowledge of CMMS systems. We publish guides and instructions for our ZMT CMMS system there, as well as we present the latest products, functions and updates of our software. A new series has appeared on the channel, which is a compendium of […]
We are pleased to inform you about the ongoing implementation of the ZMT system in one of the largest water parks in Poland – Aquapark FALA in Łódź. Our CMMS system will operate in a standard configuration, which will allow us to shorten the required implementation time as much as possible. In addition to the […]
What role does the CMMS system have in the era of Industry 4.0. There is more and more information about Industry 4.0 in the world of the Internet. And also concepts directly related to it, such as Big Data, Internet of Things, machine learning or artificial intelligence. What exactly is Industry 4.0? What role does […]
This module, new in Eurotronic’s offer, combines two key areas of labor and maintenance management. It is our answer to ensuring the safety of people involved in work performed in environments defined as potentially hazardous. With this solution, you can more easily and effectively identify hazards, risks, manage workflow and authorization of individuals or companies […]
We participated in a conference organized by Hexagon on 21-22.11.2023 in Frankfurt, Germany. The event was intended for Hexagon’s customers from the German market, using the ALI (Asset Lifecycle Intelligence) solution portfolio. Eurotronic was one of the official sponsors of the event, showcasing its expertise and CMMS/EAM-class IT solutions at the company’s booth. We are […]
What is preventive maintenance? Preventive maintenance can also be met under the name of preventive strategy. It is based on planning and implementing various types of activities to ensure that breakdowns and unwanted downtime do not occur. Important elements in this case are periodic inspections of the machinery park, repairs and maintenance, which are aimed […]