
The e-Service module – is an environment installed on the contractor’s side, e.g. the general contractor of a project or a service company contracted based on a long-term agreement. It allows safe data entry and delivers information online directly to the external company, significantly speeding up and streamlining performance of the works. The e-Service module supports, among others, the following:
- receiving online notifications for servicing by the contractor;
- activating a work order online by the contractor;
- registering the contractor's employees on the current basis in the ordering company's plant;
- daily reporting of the performed works according to the schedule and their automatic valuation according to the contract;
- recording any embedded materials delivered by the contractor in accordance with the materials specification;
- controlling the progress of the contractor's works based on the scope resulting from the work order or the agreement;
- issuing acceptance certificates submitted for verification and acceptance;
- issuing the invoice online for the completed works; receiving complaints and notifications resulting from the terms of the contractor's guarantee.

substantive scope of this module is highly definable and depends on the
requirements specified in the assumptions for the configuration of the